What is Pelvic Organ Prolapse (POP)?

By: Dr. Hyerim Kim, SPT (soon to be PT, DPT!) What is pelvic organ prolapse? Pelvic organ prolapse occurs when pelvic organs; bladder, uterus, rectum or intestines, descend into the vaginal wall.Wait what?!!? This sounds scarier than it is! But honestly, it is very...

Diastasis Recti- AKA Abdominal Separation

We’ve all heard of it in some form or another. Diastasis recti, rectus diastasis, DRA (diastasis rectus abdominus), or just plain diastasis. It’s something most if not all of us wonder about while pregnant and after having a baby. I’m here to talk about all things...

A Pregnant Student Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist’s Perspective

“Don’t lift so heavy when you’re doing squats! All of your organs will fall out later after you have kids!” “You’re pregnant, you shouldn’t be doing any lifting! You need to rest!” “Just wait until you’ve had a few kids, you’ll be peeing your pants all the time!” “As...