Dry Needling – What is it? (The Benefits of Dry Needling for Moms)

Dry needling is becoming quite the buzz word these days, and for a good reason!!! There is some amazing science to back it up, and it’s a clinical game-changer for both the provider and the patient! Even better, it is based on work done by a WOMAN!!! At Reborn Pelvic...

Pulling Back the Curtain on the 6 week Postpartum Check-up

Woohoo!!! You made it to the 6 week postpartum check up with your midwife or OB. You are “cleared” to have sex, return to exercise,and resume life as normal!  Stop…Wait…Rewind!  Go put that pre-printed checklist in the trash. I mean it. It’s absolute garbage advice....

The Top 5 Most Common Pelvic Floor Problems Postpartum

Pelvic floor issues are very common, especially before, during and after pregnancy. The good news is they can be easily treated by a specialized pelvic floor therapist. The pelvic floor helps provide stability to the core during movements, maintains bladder and bowel...

Top 10 Postpartum Recovery Tips From A Pelvic Floor Therapist

Pregnancy and postpartum take a tremendous toll on the body, not only physically, but also  mentally and emotionally. Recovery is essential to healing well.  Here are our top 10 Postpartum Recovery Tips: 1. Take the first two weeks off You nourished, grew, and birthed...