Just like every other medical exam, we will talk extensively about your medical history, what symptoms you are dealing with and the personal goals that you want to achieve by coming to physical therapy. Next, we will go through a full-body movement assessment from...
“DO YOUR KEGELS.” Unfortunately, this is a piece of advice that women are bombarded with day in and day out. Kegels, or pelvic floor exercises, were first described by Dr. Arnold Kegel in the 1950’s as a treatment for stress urinary incontinence and pelvic organ...
Should I go to pelvic floor physical therapy while I am pregnant? Short answer: Yes!!! 100% We recommend this to everyone! And until every pregnant person gets sent to pelvic floor physical therapy as standard of care, we will continue shouting it from the rooftops!...
Besides being the most amazing people on the planet, we help optimize your vagina! (Yes, I totally just said vagina in a blog post and I am not apologizing for it). Most people are familiar with physical therapy, while “pelvic floor” physical therapy is beginning to...