Scaption You can do this exercise standing or standing, using a light to moderate amount of hand weight. As shown here, stand with good posture, and raise your arm about 30 degrees in front of your side. The Standing Row Hold the resistance band at one end of a wall...
Our expert clinicians can treat most knee problems. Physical therapy may be able to help if you or someone you care about is experiencing knee pain. We have provided additional information on knee conditions and what to do if your knees hurt. Additionally, we have...
This letter can be sent to a friend or family member who might benefit from natural TMD treatment. The temporomandibular (TMJ), is composed of bones, nerves and ligaments as well as muscles, tendons, discs, and discs. As with all the joints in our body, if...
How to Prepare Here are some things you can do for your family to be prepared in the event of COVID-19 spreading in your area. Locate Local Information Keep informed! Spread rumors! Go to FEMA’s Rumor Control Page. Learn the Signs and Symptoms Learn the symptoms...
These tips will help you build muscle safely. Talk to your doctor or physical therapist before you begin any exercise program. Take it slow, especially if this is your first time being active. Gradually increase the number of activities you do and the effort you put...
(Exercise videos provided by Real Time Rehab) Disclaimer: This information was provided for educational purposes only. These exercises are not intended to replace physical therapy or any other medical treatment. Consult your doctor or physical therapist before you...